If you are interested in buying hay, please contact us before coming over, so we can make sure that someone is available to help you.
From Interstate 95 take exit 191 for Orono. Exit on to Kelly Road going toward Orono (follow signs). You will come to a "T", which is Main Street (also Route 2). Turn right onto Main Street. Drive for 1 mile and start looking at house numbers on mailboxes on your right. At 431 Main St., turn up the driveway. It is a white house back from the road.
If you find yourself passing Gass Horse Supply on Main Street, you have gone past the farm. But, Gass is a good place to get supplies.
From Route 2 coming from Bangor, drive through Veazie. We're not far from the Veazie/Orono line. You'll pass Gass Horse Supply on your right, and a boarding stable (Starwalk Stables) on your left. Look for mailbox marked "431" on your left, with a white house back from the road.
If you don't see anyone outside, please ring the bell at the front door.
All material on rockislandfarm.com is © H.L. Richardson, 2007 - unless otherwise attributed.