
(6) Sheep with horns.  Special considerations.  

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a.  Sheep with horns sometimes get hung up in fencing.  Woven wire fencing made specifically for sheep and goats has a smaller opening than traditional pasture fencing, but they'll still get hung up in it sometimes (especially when young).   This usually is not a big deal, as long as you get them loose within a reasonable amount of time, and the fence is not electrified.  
. b. A young, very frightened ram (ex. a lamb you just brought home) can really jump.   If the pen you have him in has board fencing above his height, he can catch a horn on a high board and fracture the horn on the way down.  This is a serious injury.  Avoid constructing pens like this.

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c.  Particularly during breeding season, rams can become very agitated.   Consider avoiding homemade wooden feeders, which a ram can break up and injur himself upon.   See the catalogs page for companies that sell metal feeders for sheep.